Sunday, May 24, 2009

3- 2- 1 Blast Off!

Mom, Dad and Shel were all here visiting us a couple weeks ago. We had the time of our lives! This was the first time my Parents and Shel were able to come out and see us since Tomm and I moved down here. It was very special to have them come stay with us. We were able to cover a lot of ground in the week that they were here.
One of the things we did was go up to The Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canavril, FL and watch the shuttle Atlantis launch on May 11th. It was so AWESOME!, and surprisingly touching (I cried a few proud tears) for me to see that happen. I don't know why it is so hard for me to appreciate some things without seeing and experiencing. Well after that day, we put a big check next to Space Shuttle Launch on our bucket lists....
I think Dad's check mark was especially big and exited.

The launch was scheduled for 2:01 (eastern time)... We had to be there no later that 9am ...
I still don't know why but I think it is so while you are waiting you will buy drinks (It was sooo hot) and everything in the gift shops.
This is us waiting patiently in a long @$$ line. I hate lines!
Cool pic of some rockets. I dont know all the names of these rockets... I think the stripey one is Gemini.

We look the part!

Blast OFF! We were standing 6 miles away and it was still huge and the sound was incredible even over the crowd of people. They said that if you were within a 2 mile range of the blast that the explosion would kill you and if you were within 4 miles the SOUND would kill you... I didn't think sound could kill!???

My fav shuttle fact:The three space shuttle main engines generate the maximum equivalent of about 37 million horsepower! The fuel pump alone puts out 71,000, the same horsepower as 28 locomotives and with power of the oxygen pump is 23,000, that adds 11 more locomotives!
That really blows my skirt up! WOOHOO!
I had binoculars and I saw the tank separate from the orbiter and fall back to earth. It was amazing!
Nothing left but the contrails.
We didn't expect to see a sign like this at the center. Well, we never saw or fed any of them.
I wanted to post this turtle because he had cute eyes. He had quite a dramatic blink. It was sweet!
Look at those talons!
Getting ready for the 3D Shuttle show. Dad's expression is priceless!

The shuttle exhibit. You can go inside there and check it out. There was a huge line so we didn't go up.

It looks so small and innocent from here.
That is one big behind!
What did Whitney buy at the gift shops while waiting 5 hours for the launch?
NASA cooking gear alright.
An apron, oven mitts and a shuttle cookie cutter. My apron reads "NASA... I need my space" I couldn't leave without buying one.
Shuttle cookies! CUTE!!!

1 comment:

Giron Family said...

OF COURSE you would make shuttle cookies! You domestic goddess you!
The comment about it making your skirt blow up cracked me up! So funny.
I bet you fam had so much fun. So kewl that you guys got to see a shuttle launch! That's crazy that you can't be within a couple miles of it. I never knew that!
Love the cooking gear!