Tuesday, June 19, 2012

JP's Infant Pictures

We had pictures taken a few weeks ago! I absolutely LOVE the way they came out! I'm so full of pride every time I look at these pictures.  I just love our family and I'm so lucky to be part of it:)

April, our photographer is SO talented! I'll let the pictures speak for themselves...

He is so sweet and perfect!
This shot is SO precious to me! I live and breathe for these boys!
Our baby has grown into a boy overnight! I'm so proud of him. Sniff sniff

I love these pictures with my Mother in law! It was such a joy having her here with us and I'm glad we could preserve the memory in our family pics :)

1 comment:

The Strongs said...

What a beautiful family!!! I can't believe what an adorable newborn Jack is. Seriously adorable. :)