Sometimes it's stealth, other times it stampede! Little T is an expert cruiser and any day now he is going to be an expert walker (he's still a little wobbly). I'm sure he is already making a list of all the things and places he is going to explore that have been out of reach in the past. You all should see our house... it's completely transformed from adult into a baby cage. Haha
Hell on wheels!
Riding the carousel like a big boy. I couldn't resist taking him on it. He LOVED it obviously and even held on to the pole with both hands. Haha
Little T's buddy, Aiden and Lori rode with us.
Posing for Mama and showing Zoe how charming he is. Such a beautiful smile!
Baby in the tub. Is there anything cuter?
"Now who's on the business end of the bulb syeringe?"
My water baby :)
3 words... postive mental attitude.
...sometimes it's just too exhausing for everyone.
... but most the time it's a lot of fun!
Proudly standing without support.
A great view of what once was our couch... it's now a baby arena. I got these mats for the tile at Pep Boys and I'm so glad... he's had countless wipeouts while taking those baby steps.